It's been almost 3 weeks since my new room mate moved in and all is going well. I was a little concerned that things may be difficult, but so far, so good.
Had a scare last week. My sister told me that my dad had been rushed to hospital fearing a heart attack. It was not however, and we are extremely greatful for that.
My brother and dad have been out fishing, and that is a good thing. Always glad to hear my dad is doing stuff, especially stuff he loves.
I have an appointment with the dr. on Monday to see if I am a good candidate for reduction surgery! Yeah, yeah, I hear you! But when you have too much it's just no fun. Guys love it, but I'd love to see them carrying them around, see how long they could handle things that limit their activities!! Anyway wish me luck, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Little else has happened in the past few weeks, hense my lack of writing! A new pope was elected, but I'm not into religion and politics. We had a few nice days this week, but today it hasn't stopped raining. So I guess it's a great day for doing the laundry!
I'm going out tonight for some drinks and dancing! I'm taking my new roomie to the Hard Rock's club 279. My friend works there and so we will have a blast!
I have been included in two meetings this week at work, and that was a good thing. All too often the people that count the most get left out, but I am happy to say that the principal at my school is pretty cool when it comes to things of this nature.
Well as you can see I have so little to write, that I am scraping the bottom here!
Next time there will be a better entry!