Friday, August 28, 2009

Double Date?

Another date I had was with a guy who owned a motorbike shop. That should be fun, right?
I had taken a day off from work, just to chill out when he called and suggested that we go for a ride in his car. I agreed and he picked me up. Little did I realize that the ride was to pick up equipment and supplies for his shop? He seemed to revel in showing me off to his suppliers.
This wasn’t my idea of a date.
He said we would go out for lunch after we dropped off the stuff at his shop. At the shop introduced me to his staff.
This is when he told me that one of his staff had also received my name and profile in the mail, because he was also a member of the same introductory service. So he thought it would be a good idea for all three of us to have lunch together.
As it was, they talked shop the whole time and I was virtually ignored. I couldn’t wait to get home, and was annoyed with myself having wasted my precious day off.

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